Fighting To Be Together, Is It A Token Of Love?

Many of us would like to live a romantic Romeo and Juliet love  .  However, when it comes down to it, what is the use of striving for a relationship that has its days numbered? In this article we will be commenting on this complex issue.

Fighting to be together is it a token of love?

Many people believe that love develops day by day with the effort and dedication of the two members of the couple. Sometimes various obstacles stand in the way of the relationship’s progress. From excessive jealousy to angry relatives, everything seems to conspire so that the lovers are not together. However, it is up to them to decide whether or not to fight for their union. There are many factors to take into account such as: the quality of the relationship, the compatibility with the partner and the future perspective.

Read:  Brutally Honest Truths About Love You Should Know

  • Fighting to be together is a major drain

Breaking couple

Keep in mind that  fighting to be together is a great  drain  on energy. We are putting all our efforts to move forward in the relationship and we may lose friends, family, or our social position in the process. It is important, then, that we reflect on the quality of this union, how it has developed and how it will continue in the future. If they love each other and believe that they have a chance to be happy together, then to fight for it. But if the answer is different, it is better to be honest with ourselves and make the right decision.

Discover:  3 false myths about “romantic love” that you should know

  • Are we willing to put up with it all?

Older couple

As a relationship progresses we discover characteristics and habits of the other that we did not know. And, although loving yourself is adapting, it is important to learn to communicate what we see badly and what we dislike. Why put up with our partner disrespecting us, being unfaithful or hitting us? If everything is opposed to this relationship , it is very likely that it is not suitable for you. Living suffering does not show your love. Rate yourself!

Read:  5 things you should not allow in your relationship with a partner

  • In love, not everything goes

Love seems to justify everything and there is a   very powerful belief about it: in love you have to fight and endure. But is it love what I feel or a simple whim? Is the other person willing to sacrifice for me and me? Perhaps it is all over a long time ago and we continue to resist in the name of a feeling that disappeared under various circumstances. We can fall in love with a person who ends up hurting us, but this does not mean that love lasts. Your own happiness is very important.

If we continue to fear change we will never find that beautiful love that awaits us around the corner.

Before leaving, do not miss:  7 permissions that you must give yourself to be happier

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