Customs That Worsen Our Mental Health

Do you know the importance of some daily habits in your mental health? The mind is related to our whole body. Therefore, what we do on a daily basis can have repercussions for better or for worse.

It is never too late to start changing what hurts us. For example, customs that worsen our mental health.

Customs that worsen our mental health

Do not exercise

Exercise improves mental health

Do you usually practice sports? Exercising regularly has a positive effect on both your mental health and your overall health. In fact, an article published in 2017 by Maturitas magazine assures that:

  • Exercise improves anxiety, stress, depression.
  • Exercise decreases inflammation.
  • Exercise improves psychological, physiological and immune functions.

    If you have a hard time following a training program or going to the gym, then you can do your daily activities healthier. For example, picking up the children on foot instead of using the car or getting off the bus early to go to the office.

    Have everything messy

    It is often said that how a person’s house or room is reflects their mental health. If everything is messy, it may mean that there are not many clear things in your life.

    Failure to accommodate may be due to some psychological disorders. In fact, American researchers conducted a study in 2009 on how disorder affected certain women at home. They found that those women who lived in a messy home had increased depressed mood throughout the day, while women whose home was more tidy had decreased depressed mood during the day.


    Sleep a little

    Sleep a little

    According to an article published in 2003 by the journal Clinical Pulmonary Medicine , sleep deprivation can have negative health consequences:

    • A growing tendency to fall asleep
    • Increased risk of accidental injury
    • A deteriorated mood
    • Reduced psychomotor performance

    Make sure your priority is to always get enough and good rest Also avoid those foods that do not allow you to rest well, such as caffeine, alcohol, or fried foods at night.

    Excesive drinking

    Limit the amount you drink each week to a “moderate” level. If you have a party or other special occasion, you can get over this. But always taking into account not to mix drinks and drink water alternately.

    Drinking too much harms mental health

    Not talking to others

    Being kind and friendly to strangers or neighbors has been shown to increase happiness, optimism, and satisfaction.

    Today, society is closer to isolation than to meetings. Everything happens through a computer or mobile phone.

    This results in the neglect of face-to-face relationships. Remember when was the last time you saw your friends, your family, or even your neighbors.

    Having obsessive thoughts

    Learn to recognize when a thought is recurring or frequent in your brain and avoid it with other different ideas. For example, if you want to find a partner and you are thinking about it all the time. Instead, take the opportunity to think about the good times you spend with friends or what you should buy for dinner.

    Work too much


    Do you think you work too much? Remember that rest and recreation are essential for mental and physical health.

    Think about your values ​​and priorities, always make time to be with your loved ones and do what you like the most. For example, reading, walking, watching a movie, sleeping late, etc.

    Be very pessimistic

    People who see the world as negative, that everything around is wrong and that there are no possible solutions, could have more health problems. In fact, a study carried out in 2009 determined that, in a sample of 23,216 people, a reduced level of pessimism was related to a lower incidence of heart attack.

    Focus on how good your life is (which is a lot) and feel happy for everything you have. You can achieve it!

    Images courtesy of Maddy Photography, Jhonatan Lin, Graham Hills, and Peter Garber

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