Beneficial And Harmful Foods In Oral Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is a type of oral infection produced by an abnormal growth of a bacterium that we all have present in our body.

It generally produces whitish plaques on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks. It can also spread to the roof of the mouth and gums, reaching the tonsils or throat.

According to a 2012 study, oral candidiasis is more common in people whose immune system has been weakened by diseases or aging processes . It has also been associated with nutritional deficiencies and iron, folate, and vitamin B12 deficiencies.

Dry mouth

Foods not recommended for oral candidiasis

Dairy products

While some research suggests that lactose might stimulate the growth of candida, such a theory has not been proven. However, it is usually recommended to avoid dairy products, except natural yogurt, since it is useful as a probiotic and contributes healthy bacteria to our body.


A 1999 investigation suggests that the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars could influence the proliferation of oral candidiasis. For this reason, we will seek to reduce the consumption of refined sugars, in order to avoid stimulating the growth of the bacteria.


Wine and beer should be avoided because of their high yeast content.

Fermented foods and mushrooms

Because Candida thrives from a fermentation process, it would be wise to avoid fermented foods and fungi, which include foods like soy sauce, cheese, and mushrooms .

Recommended foods for oral yeast infection


In 2016, a study concluded that the inclusion of probiotics in the diet could be beneficial, either in the form of supplements or food, by keeping candida under control. They recommend looking for labels that specify: live cultures or active cultures .

The Lactobacillius acidophilus , a bacteria found in fermented milk products like yogurt, can help treat oral candidiasis. 

Other tips

  • Perform mouthwashes.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Avoid self-medication and natural remedies.
  • Maintain good dental hygiene daily and have regular checkups (especially if you have diabetes).
  • Control blood sugar levels if you have diabetes, as Candida proliferates with sugar.

If you have any concerns, consult your doctor.

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