8 Foods That Can Cause Acid Reflux

In addition to the foods mentioned, both alcohol and tobacco are very harmful to our gastric health, so we should avoid them, especially if we have acid reflux

Acid reflux is an uncomfortable symptom that is caused by a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. Its main function is to keep the remains of food and gastric juices in the stomach.

Although it is a sporadic and mild disorder, the ideal is to know what are the foods that cause or aggravate it to prevent it from recurring. Discover them!

8 foods that can cause acid reflux

Reflux is a condition characterized by a burning sensation at the level of the sternum, almost always accompanied by dry throat and heartburn. In fact, it is sometimes so severe that many mistake it for pain caused by a heart attack, leading to many medical consultations.

Its appearance may be due to some type of abnormality of the esophagus. Also due to digestive conditions that increase the production of acids.

However, most of the cases have to do with eating habits, since some copious and spicy foods alter the digestive pH and increase acidity. Next we are going to see the most harmful foods.

1. Chocolate


Chocolate has become quite popular for its high antioxidant content. However, excessive consumption can be a trigger for acid reflux.

This is due to its high fat content and stimulants like caffeine and theobromine. All of them are related to the increase in acidity in the digestive system.

2. Spicy seasonings

Spicy seasonings add a very special touch to dishes and some have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The problem is that they can be aggressive for the digestive system, especially when combined with other irritating foods.

Among the foods and condiments that can be harmful when you suffer constant episodes of reflux are:

  • Hot sauces
  • Curry.
  • Chili.
  • Cumin.

3. Coffee

For a large number of people, coffee is essential in their daily life. Its stimulating power, in addition to its antioxidants, make it a great option to start a long day at work.

However, since it is one of the main sources of caffeine, those who tend to suffer from reflux should avoid it. This stimulating substance weakens the valves that keep acidic juices in the stomach,  thus facilitating their return to the esophagus and mouth.

4. French fries


The potatoes and other fried foods that they distribute in the market are the number one enemy of the digestive and metabolic processes. These foods contain high levels of trans fats and chemical additives that, in addition to affecting digestive functions, increase the production of acids and the presence of toxins.

Ingesting them in excessive amounts influences the uncontrolled inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, it increases the recurrence of stomach pressure and heartburn.

5. Sausages and canned

Both sausage and canned meats are full of artificial substances. These, although they allow them to be kept fresh, generate excess acidity in the blood and stomach.

This variety of foods is characterized by its high content of fat and flours, which affect stomach health and metabolism. Therefore, adding them in the regular diet can lead to the appearance of disorders such as obesity and high levels of cholesterol and sugar.

6. Bakery products

butter and chocolate chip cookies

Bakery products also make reflux worse, especially cookies and candies rich in artificial additives. These types of foods are triggers for an acidic environment in the stomach and esophagus.

These substances, in addition to sugars and refined flours, irritate the stomach lining and increase the presence of acidic juices. As a result, the esophageal sphincter is weakened and, in turn, the susceptibility to ulcers and gastritis increases.

7. Carbonated soft drinks

Regular consumption of carbonated soft drinks (also known as soft drinks, carbonated drinks or sodas, depending on the country)  can cause a series of negative reactions in the body.  These are reflected in various aspects of health.

Sodas, especially colas, contain high levels of caffeine and therefore have effects similar to those of coffee. On the other hand, gases increase the pressure in the stomach, which causes an acid response in its environment.

8. Red meat

Red meat can make reflux worse

The excessive consumption of red meat raises the levels of inflammation in the body, since it contains too many purines and acid substances that interfere with digestion. This, added to its high fat content, explains why it is one of those responsible for the recurrent appearance of this annoying condition.

Do you suffer from acid reflux on a regular basis? Review your diet and limit the consumption of the foods mentioned to facilitate the control of this problem.

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