Reflections On The Life Of Steve Jobs That Everyone Should Know

News about Steve Jobs has been circulating on social networks for a long time , which although it is not true, invites us to reflect on it. It is an article in which the alleged last words of the famous Apple co-founder are transmitted to us.

It cannot be shown that Steve Jobs pronounced them, however, the attitude that he carried most of his life and the way in which he faced his last days invites us to consider a series of ideas that are worth considering. Today in our space we want to transmit them to you, because no matter how many successes one achieves in his life, no matter how much wealth he accumulates, there are priorities that we must never set aside.

For Steve Jobs, success is not synonymous with happiness

If over the weeks the supposed last reflections of Steve Jobs have become a viral phenomenon, it has been due to the premiere of a movie in the cinema about his life, a highly awarded production directed by Danny Boyle, where there is It gives us to understand is that he was not a very happy person.

  • Having professional success in life does not always go hand in hand with happiness. Sometimes we think that aspects such as recognition, money and fame are pillars to enjoy a full life, but in reality this is not the case.
  • Although it is true that we do not know if Steve Jobs had these same thoughts during those last days in which cancer took him from this world, something that his relatives did comment is that he regretted not having prioritized other things.
  • Wealth is an eye-catching dress that pleases and allows us to lead an easier life. However, money does not build the heart, it does not offer authentic company, it does not give warmth in hugs, or the love that everyone needs.

Love is always the most important

Steve Jobs reached the peak of fame. A self-made man. It was a reference all over the world. In addition, he had intuition to offer the world that which is now indispensable to all of us: technology. His empire, first with the Macintosh; later creating the almighty factory of dreams, Pixar, and without forgetting its brand par excellence, Apple, it was a revolution in our day to day. Everyone dreamed of having the latest phone, tablet or IPod that Steve Jobs presented to us.

Now, something that he himself should have been aware of, like any other person who reaches fame, is that none of this makes sense if it is not shared, if one does not come home and have beings to love. and that they love it.

  • Love is the greatest personal triumph of the human being. It is the greatest act of greatness and reciprocity that we should never do without.
    • It is not bad to dream of fame, wealth. In addition, every day we should get up with the purpose of achieving our dreams, of being owners of our destinies. Just like Steve Jobs did.
    • Now, never neglect to love and be loved. Never forget that money will not give you the sincere laugh of a child who admires you, you will not keep fond memories with which to close your eyes before going to sleep, telling yourself that you are happy.

    Steve Jobs

    The most expensive bed in the world is the hospital bed

    No matter how much money you have in your checking account, you will never be able to bribe death. A hospital bed is the place that all of us, at some point, will go throughout our lives, whether we are rich or poor, young or old.

    • Steve Jobs had it all. He was still a young man and could have given even more to the world. However, money could not heal his illness, or give him a second chance.
      • One can accumulate and buy endless material things, but remember that life is priceless. Life runs with you, it gives you light, it gives you hope, laughter, happiness and sadness, but when you lose it, you can no longer find it.
      • The only treasure that you will keep when you are saying goodbye to this world is the emotional legacy that you have created in life. No matter how many houses, cars and objects you have, none of that will accompany you in your death.
      • Instead, feeling loved, feeling the hand of your family on that hospital bed just before you leave, is the most precious asset you can have. Nothing else will matter.

      Final conclusions of Steve Jobs

      Love is the most important. We are all free to achieve a life of success as Steve Jobs did, but never neglect caring, being happy and making yours happy. Love is the only thing that transcends life and death.

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