Fighting Fatigue Naturally

Fatigue has affected most people at some point in their lives. It usually manifests occasionally and temporarily, almost always with an identifiable cause and a possible solution. However, it can also develop chronically.

In the latter case, the symptoms are more severe, as they are not reduced with rest and can interfere with daily tasks. In addition, it compromises the psychological and emotional well-being, reducing the energy and motivation of the person. How to fight it naturally?

Although the management of this problem may vary depending on its cause, in general there are some strategies to reduce it. This time we have compiled the most important ones for you to take into account from now on. Take note!

What are the causes of tiredness?

Woman lying down with tiredness

Tiredness can appear for one or more causes. It is often related to bad habits or routine activities that involve some physical or mental effort. In fact, one of its most common causes is physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle.

When fatigue is mild, it is not necessary to request a medical diagnosis. However, if it becomes recurrent, it is essential to determine if it has to do with any disease. Sometimes it is related to depression and emotional outbursts. Likewise, it can hide pathologies such as:

  • Liver failure
  • Anemia
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer
  • Diseases of the respiratory system
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Sleep disorders

In any case, even if we have shown you this list of diseases, don’t worry. It is generally due to mild causes, which will not require more than small changes in our lifestyle.

It should be remembered that fatigue can also be the product of drug addictions, the use of certain medications and bad eating habits. Given this, it is necessary to improve the lifestyle in order to control it.

Strategies to combat fatigue naturally

There are currently a wide variety of energy drinks that help reduce the symptoms of tiredness. However, due to its content of stimulants, its excessive consumption can lead to certain side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to apply some strategies to increase energy instead.

Drink a glass of water

Woman drinking water

Tiredness is a typical symptom of dehydration. In fact, milder cases can trigger a feeling of drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, and mood disorders. Therefore, it is advisable to drink a glass of water a day every morning.

So the next time you feel tired, instead of drinking coffee, why not have a couple of good glasses of water? You will surely notice the difference.

Similarly, if lethargy persists, it is essential to consume more healthy fluids throughout the day. A well-hydrated body is synonymous with vitality and well-being.

Prepare a healthy breakfast

Today there is still some controversy about the importance of breakfast. However, scientific research shows that skipping this first meal of the day can negatively affect your energy level and ability to concentrate.

Thus, to combat fatigue every day it is essential to have breakfast. Keep in mind that this should contain between 20 and 25% of the total daily calories. In addition, it should include sources of fiber, amino acids, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals.

Avoid consuming sugar


Another simple way to fight fatigue naturally is to limit your consumption of refined sugar as much as possible, especially in the morning. Sugary products, including cereals, cakes, and beverages, can raise blood glucose levels, leaving you feeling drained.

It is recommended to review the products of daily consumption to avoid this substance. Of course, added sugar should also be avoided in homemade preparations. Instead it is convenient to obtain natural sugars from fruits.

Receive sunlight

Receiving a little sunlight every day increases the serotonin levels in the body and consequently improves the quality of sleep and increases the energy level. According to a series of studies from the University of Rochester, people who spend time in nature “feel more alive.”

Do aerobic exercise

Girl doing hullahop

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main triggers for feeling tired. So, to reduce it, nothing better than the practice of physical exercise. Aerobic exercise is particularly recommended, as there is research linking it to reduced fatigue.

Manage stress

One last tip for coping with fatigue is learning to manage stress. Although many ignore it, the effects of this emotional state affect physical and mental fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.

Are you still feeling tired? Do not forget that the symptom may be hiding some disease. Therefore, if it becomes persistent, request the relevant medical check-ups.

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