Therapeutic Writing And Its Emotional Benefits

Therapeutic writing is great for helping us manage our emotions, and in this article we explain why.

You may even be one of those people used to keeping a journal yourself. A notebook where you can write down thoughts, events of the day and even your wishes and aspirations.

The pleasure of therapeutic writing

Day to day brings us concerns, needs, large doses of stress and even that existential void that we do not know what to fill it with.

Problems sometimes get tangled up and accumulate in a complex skein that we don’t know how to untangle, how to manage.

Therapeutic writing can rise as one of the best cathartic strategies to face all these dimensions. To organize ideas, to find that emotional outlet that we all need at any given moment.

We explain each of its possible benefits so that you are encouraged to leave your voice in those notebooks with blank sheets.

1. Emotional relief

Writing contributes to emotional relief

Imagine those days when you argue with your partner. In that you have so many conflicting things and emotions in your head that you don’t know what you really want. Your head hurts, you feel tired and you can’t say exactly what is happening to you.

An ideal strategy might be to sit down for a moment, pick up a notebook and start writing the first thing that comes to mind.

And no, you don’t have to be Gabriel Garcia Márquez or the psychologist Walter Riso to be able to write your thoughts. It is enough with simple things, with a start a heading where to put the date of today, and after this, a “I am angry.”, “I feel alone. “I feel misunderstood.”

After these beginnings, try to argue what makes you feel this way, and then ask yourself what could I do to feel better?

So, take the pencil or your favorite pen and simply make it dance across the blank pages to the sound of your emotions, your feelings, your anger and loneliness.

2. Helps us find solutions

Writing can be one of the best mental exercises. A boost for our brain through which to clarify ideas and establish priorities.

Furthermore, we put part of who we are in these newspapers to see ourselves. It is like having your own reflection from which to take a starting point. A source from where you can start to act to bring better changes, decisions and plans that, little by little, allow us to find happiness.

Write a little every day establishing an order: “Today I feel …” “Today it happened to me …” “I think …” “Maybe if I changed this I could …”. Small steps that will allow us to find that emotional balance that we all need.

3. Writing, a form of freedom

 Therapeutic writing, a form of freedom

Writing is not just an excellent act of emotional catharsis. It is a form of freedom and self-knowledge.

Nobody is going to judge you while you write, nobody sets rules or obligations for you. As we write, we establish a one-to-one relationship with ourselves without vetoes or prejudices. They are the intimacies of your mind and your heart, you do not have to teach anyone what you write in your journals.

In this technology-based age, the practice of therapeutic writing stands as a remedy for many of our ills. It is a wonderful way to listen to our voice and our feelings. To find ourselves free.

If you start to write a little every day you will see that without knowing how it will become something addictive, something that you need and that will make you feel really good.

However, this method may not work for you. So if you have serious concerns or need help to manage your emotions, we recommend that you go to a psychologist.

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