5 Behaviors That Predict The Failure Of A Relationship

There are some behaviors that predict the failure of a relationship. In fact, some couples are as if they were destined to end badly from the first minute of their relationship.

This is due to certain patterns that, in addition to being toxic, tend to be repeated in later relationships. It is important, therefore, to stop them and reflect.

A healthy relationship is much happier, longer lasting, and more productive than one marked by negativity and demands. Therefore, we are going to see what behaviors should be avoided in these cases.

5 behaviors that show a relationship is doomed

Couple arguing

1. Criticize your partner constantly

One of the first behaviors that predict the failure of a relationship is the constant and absurd criticism of the partner. It is okay to point out some behavior that we consider incorrect, but issues such as the way of dressing, speaking or even feeling should not be touched upon.

These criticisms only seek to change the other. Strip you of your essence and personality. For there to be a healthy and solid relationship, there must be an acceptance of the person with whom you are. If we don’t like how it is, we have two options: accept it or leave it.

However, the option of criticizing her to change her way of being, in addition to being unproductive, takes away energy and generates discomfort.

2. Contempt towards the other person

Does our partner make fun of us? Does it humiliate us? If this is what we feel, but we do not convey it to you, we are not doing anything to remedy this situation.

Sometimes the other person has a way of being that hurts us, but we continue with it because we are in love.  Most likely, we suffer from emotional dependence and that is why we do not know how to cut our losses.

It is important that we bear in mind that in a relationship there must be respect. If not, the relationship will end up breaking down. And for this, good communication is also very important.

3. The culprit is always the other

Among all the behaviors that predict the failure of a relationship, this is one of the clearest, since it is about blaming the other, that is, never taking responsibility.

In any couple discussion there is usually more than one implication. Today the culprit may be our partner, but tomorrow it may be us. It is important to try to be mature and accept when we have done wrong.

If we always blame the other, we will not learn from our mistakes, so conflict situations will be repeated more easily. Here communication as a couple is also essential to solve this problem.

4. Silence and indifference

There is a type of attitude that is quite harmful and whose attempt is to manipulate the other. We are talking about the one that manifests toxic dynamics in which silence and indifference are present.

Although there are no hits or insults, this type of behavior hurts the other. In addition to preventing the search for solutions to the causes of anger, they are selfish and show little maturity.

5. Force and demand

Man criticizing his girlfriend

This has a lot to do with the unconditional acceptance that we talked about at the beginning. Forcing and demanding certain things from the other is one of the behaviors that predict the failure of a relationship.

We cannot force or demand anything from our partner. He is a free person whom we have to respect, without making any attempt to manipulate him at will.

In the same way, the other must act in the same way. If a relationship makes us feel overwhelmed and we realize that we have stopped doing things that we like just to please, maybe that person is not for us.

Run away from toxic relationships: you deserve better

Experiencing this type of behavior is not a dish of good taste. Detecting them in time is very important to reflect on the relationship we have or to change attitudes towards our partner.

If we consider that it is only something specific and we have a healthy relationship, it is best to talk with the couple about what is happening. If he loves us and it is a specific behavior, he will change. If not, we already know that we must prioritize our mental health before anything else.

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