Risks And Repercussions Of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can be accompanied by a number of risks and repercussions on general health. Did you know that it can even lead to cardiovascular problems? We tell you in detail. 

Periodontal diseases are those that affect the gums. In this article we will focus on the risks and repercussions of periodontal disease, as they can have repercussions on general health. Do not miss it!

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal lesions are produced by the accumulation of microorganisms that alter the gums. If this disease is not corrected in time, it progresses slowly and can lead to the loss of teeth, and cause other pathologies in the body.

On the one hand, we find gingivitis, which is the inflammation of the gums that causes bleeding during brushing without bone loss. On the other hand, periodontitis, which in addition to inflammation and bleeding, causes bone loss.

Prevention measures and patient education about periodontal disease is essential to prevent its development. In addition, it is very important to know how to explain and publicize the basic hygiene measures and other risk factors that are key to stopping the advance of this disease.

Dentist explaining the risks and repercussions of periodontal disease

Risk factor’s

This type of disease can be caused by different causes, among them we find, for example:

  • Poor hygiene, which causes a build-up of plaque and bacteria in the gum groove.
  • Hormonal changes, especially those that occur in women during adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, which affect the periodontium, especially if there is pre-existing gingival inflammation.
  • Systemic diseases (Down syndrome, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, among others).
  • Occlusal trauma.
  • Smoking is one of the main risk factors, since it increases the probability of suffering from periodontitis and interferes with the healing of tissues.
  • Lifestyle can become a risk factor for periodontal health, due to the consumption of inappropriate foods, lack of exercise, consumption of alcohol and other substances.

    Risks and repercussions of periodontal disease

    Both gingivitis and periodontitis can affect health, and cause or worsen diseases that are already present.

    Vascular disorders

    Multiple studies have linked periodontal disease with vascular disorders. This relationship is produced by the passage of oral bacteria into the bloodstream.

    The microorganisms present in periodontal disease cause inflammation of the endocardium and adhere to heart valves and previously damaged heart tissues. As a consequence, they cause diseases such as:

    • Bacterial endocarditis.
    • Heart attack.
    • Heart disease
    • Thrombosis.
    • Coronary insufficiency.
    • Varicose veins


    arteriosclerosis, one of the risks and repercussions of periodontal disease

    It is a disease in which a narrowing of the blood vessels occurs due to the adhesion of cholesterol plaques on their walls. In addition, after studying this plaque, bacteria related to periodontal disease have been found.

    Similarly, these bacteria have been shown to help form lipopolysaccharides, responsible for cholesterol clumping.

    Respiratory diseases

    When you breathe in the bacteria that are in the mouth, they pass through the respiratory tract until they reach the lungs. Among them we find:

    • Bacterial pneumonia.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
    • Lung abscesses

    Diabetes mellitus

    Diabetes mellitus is another disease that is related to periodontal problems. The main evidence supporting this theory is that blood glucose stabilizes after periodontal treatment and, in turn, untreated periodontal disease destabilizes blood glucose.

    Gum disease is also associated with  kidney disease, cerebrovascular disorders, premature delivery, and low birth weight.

    How can we solve it?

    The periodic reviews carried out by the dental professional are essential to be able to diagnose the disease.

    • Both cleaning and scaling and root planing treatments, commonly called curettage, are the basic treatments to be able to end it.
    • If the disease is in an initial period, it is necessary to eliminate the accumulated bacteria through professional prophylaxis.
    • In the case of periodontitis, treatment is usually divided into two phases. First, in the basic phase, the microorganisms responsible for the infection are eliminated using scaling and root planing. In those diseases whose condition is more serious, it will be necessary to perform periodontal surgery to access the gum bag.

    In conclusion, oral health can have a secondary effect on general health. Therefore, it is very important to keep it under control with check-ups, and to stop periodontal disease as soon as possible. With good control of periodontal disease, we also make sure to prevent cardiovascular disease.

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