How To Combat Vomiting With Natural Remedies: 7 Solutions

Although these remedies are very effective to combat vomiting, it is possible that some feel better than others, so we will have to try until we find the right one in our case.

Vomiting is generally associated with the consumption of spoiled food, poor digestion or the adverse reaction caused by an ingested substance. However, it can have other causes, such as an infection. But beyond this, in all cases it is important to combat them and avoid dehydration.

As stated in the MSD Manual, ” Nausea and vomiting can also be caused by many drugs and substances. ” These include alcohol, marijuana, as well as some toxic substances present in plants and food (such as lead, for example).

Depending on the underlying cause, the treatment will be one or the other. However, when vomiting corresponds to a mild discomfort, such as motion sickness, you can consider resorting to one of the following home remedies.

1. Ginger, one of the best natural remedies for vomiting

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Ginger is a remedy that can help both prevent vomiting and calm dizziness and “settle” the stomach once they have already occurred. This is because the root has antiemetic properties .

To take advantage of it, you have to cut a small piece of fresh ginger and suck it until the discomfort subsides. We can also find candies and candied ginger to always have on hand in case of emergency.

Note: Before using ginger, cinnamon or other spices and natural elements, it is important to find out about their contraindications to avoid adverse reactions and use them safely.

2. Lemon

Another simple remedy that can help both prevent and alleviate the discomfort caused by nausea and vomiting is lemon. To take advantage of it, popular wisdom recommends cutting it in half (fresh) and placing it near the nose, to inspire its citrus aroma and clear discomfort.

In case you want to use it as a remedy to relieve the stomach after vomiting, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of warm water (neither too cool nor too hot), and sip it slowly.

3. Ginkgo biloba

Cup of ginkgo biloba tea.

Ginkgo biloba is a medicinal plant that is characterized by its ability to promote oxygenation, especially in the extremities of the body. This includes the head. For this reason, it is considered that it can be useful to prevent dizziness, vertigo and vomiting.

We can take the ginkgo biloba infusion in a timely manner, but if we want to take it as a preventive treatment, we must consult with the doctor.

4. Mint

Mint is one of the remedies that most appeals when we suffer from vomiting, thanks to its delicious flavor and its refreshing power. This medicinal plant calms digestive burning and balances the function of the stomach. Therefore, it can be useful to prevent motion sickness during travel.

It is very easy to always have a mint-based remedy. They can be chewing gum or candy, or we could also always carry a small bottle with its essential oil.

5. Melisa

Melissa or lemon balm is a mild sedative, so it is generally included as a remedy to relieve states of nervousness (mild and specific). However, like chamomile, it can also be used as a digestive. Calms and also has a diuretic effect.

In addition to preventing stomach ailments, it helps calm the nerves that affect digestion. It is also useful in case of bloating, gas, bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth.

The easiest way to drink lemon balm is infused with its fresh or dried leaf. We can also find its essential oil in herbalists.

6. Licorice, another good ally in the list of natural remedies for vomiting

Liquorice tea cup

Licorice, with its sweet and intense flavor, is a natural remedy to combat vomiting and nausea. In addition, it is enough to suck a piece of licorice, either in a log, pills or candies. We can also prepare it as a drink or infusion.

Licorice also has digestive and expectorant properties. However, it is important to note that licorice can raise blood pressure. Therefore, we must consume it in a moderate way (always having reviewed its contraindications first) and avoid it if we suffer from high blood pressure.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a sweet and aromatic spice that is very beneficial for mild digestive disorders. It is also suitable for speeding up metabolism and lowering blood sugar levels, as well as calming nausea and vomiting. .

We can take it as an infusion or add it to meals. However, we emphasize that we must always choose the Ceylon cinnamon variety. This is the one that has the most medicinal properties and, therefore, will be effective in controlling vomiting.

As we have seen, there are several remedies that can be useful both to prevent and to relieve vomiting and nausea. However, the ideal is to be well informed about their contraindications before consuming them to avoid inconveniences. On the other hand, it would not hurt to consult with your doctor about its use whether we are taking any type of drug treatment or not, as this will help us prevent interactions.

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