9 Emergency Measures To Treat Sunburn

Hydration, both external and internal, is crucial to accelerate recovery from burns, as it refreshes irritated tissues and favors their repair.

Sunburns are painful skin lesions caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.

They are characterized by causing a noticeable redness of the superficial tissue, almost always accompanied by sensitivity to the touch, irritation and other uncomfortable symptoms that last for several days.

They are more frequent on summer days, although they can occur at any time if preventive measures are not taken to minimize the impact of the sun.

Although its symptoms are sporadic, most of the time they cause permanent skin damage that, in addition to accelerating aging, increases the risk of cancer.

Because of this, it is essential to know how to treat them when the necessary measures are not taken to avoid them. Here are 9 important tips for you to apply next time you get sunburned.

1. Take a shower

take a shower

Taking a shower with warm water is one of the first measures to relieve the burning and itching that is triggered by this type of sunburn.

However, remember that it is not advisable to use water that is too hot or icy, since the fabrics are more sensitive and are susceptible to attacks.

2. Avoid using soaps or gels

The application of scented soaps or shower gels can cause complications on the burned areas. These products irritate the tissues and hinder their regeneration process.

  • It is best to avoid its application, at least, until you notice an improvement in symptoms.
  • Instead, naturally derived antiseptic solutions such as witch hazel or calendula can be used.

3. Apply aloe vera gel

aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural treatments to refresh the skin in case of sunburn. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritation while reducing the risk of infection.

  • Its moisturizing action replenishes the moisture in the affected areas and promotes the regeneration and healing process.
  • Best of all, it does not cause allergic reactions and can be used several times a day to soothe burning and itching.

4. Use a moisturizing lotion

Due to the aggressions that the burn causes on the tissues, the production of oils is altered and it is common to suffer excess dryness and scales.

  • It is not appropriate as creams oily compounds, it is best choose to use lotions enriched with vitamin E.
  • These products refresh irritated tissues and help retain moisture in the skin to promote its repair process.

5. Increase water consumption

drinking water

Skin dehydration is one of the side effects of burns. For this reason, as a main measure it is essential to guarantee daily water consumption.

This vital liquid helps to repair tissues from the inside, not only because it provides extra hydration, but also because it improves blood circulation for optimal oxygenation of cells.

6. Consume an over-the-counter pain reliever

Over-the-counter pain relievers are a valid alternative when heat stroke is accompanied by pain, moderate fever, and headaches.

  • You can use paracetamol or ibuprofen, avoiding more than two pills a day.
  • Aspirin should not be given to minor patients.

7. Apply chamomile


The cold chamomile infusion is a refreshing remedy that can reduce burning, itching and other characteristic symptoms of this injury.

Its use through baths or compresses has an anti-inflammatory effect that promotes the sensation of relief without producing secondary reactions.

8. Use ice packs

When the burn is very recent, the application of ice is not recommended. However, after 12 or 24 hours it can be applied in compresses to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

  • The cold temperature relaxes the affected areas and provides a feeling of relief from irritation and pain.
  • Although at first the sensation is not very pleasant, little by little it produces a refreshing effect.

9. Protect the skin from the sun

While burned skin heals it is essential to avoid exposing it to the sun again. A new impact of UV rays in the affected areas can generate greater aggressions and increase the risk of cancer.

It is essential to use a high-quality sunscreen and clothing that completely covers the burns.

Is your skin suffering from the impact of the sun? If you face these sunburns, take into account all the measures mentioned and treat them with great care. If you have blisters or notice any complications, see your doctor.

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