8 Reasons Why Shoulder Blades Hurt And How To Treat It

Do you know where the shoulder blades are? The broad bones that are located in the back at shoulder height are so called. The shoulder blades serve as the intermediate point through which muscles and tendons pass.

Although it is not normal, it is very common for us to feel pain in that area. In some cases they can be an indicator of simple fatigue but there is also the possibility that it is something serious.

Work, school, obligations and responsibilities at home are burdens that fall on your back. Not to mention that any type of physical activity requires an effort on the shoulder blades.

Possible causes

1. Bad posture

shoulder blades

It is very important to maintain good posture, as the shoulder blades are linked with the tendons. Lack of sleep, standing for a long time are harmful postures for your back. How do I know that I have the correct posture?

  • Stand up and lean your back against the wall.
  • Make sure that your head, butt and especially your shoulders are glued to the surface.
  • You’ll know you’ve done it right when you can run your hand through the curve in your lower back.

2. Bad diet

An unbalanced diet weakens the muscles, either because excessive amounts of fat are ingested or because we do not consume the necessary nutrients and vitamins, as stated in this study carried out by the Curtin University of Technology (Australia). Therefore we will end up with a terrible pain in the back, especially in the shoulder blades.

3. Muscle tension

Muscle tension

It is very recurrent that pain in the shoulder blades occurs due to the tension in the muscles. This can be caused by making excessive effort, carrying something heavy or by having executed a movement incorrectly.

4. Heart problems

Among the serious causes of shoulder blade pain is aortic dissection. Because there is a break in the artery that carries blood to the heart, it is a serious disease, according to this study carried out by the Cabanillas del Campo de Guadalajara Health Center (Spain).

This causes both lower and upper back pain. It is very important that you do not let it pass, as it can be the warning of a possible cardiac arrest.

5. Fractures


For there to be a fracture in the area of ​​the shoulder blades , a strong impact is required. Or fall with the rest of the body on the arm.

The injury to the bone or ligaments will cause intense pain at the time and it is essential to see a doctor, as an accident of this magnitude can cause death.

6. Arthritis

According to this research carried out by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Pharmacy, arthritis causes pain and inflammation that increases over time and according to the activities carried out by the patient. Sometimes knots appear in the upper area of ​​the shoulder blades and even cause deformities.

7. Osteoporosis

6 things you should know about osteoporosis

According to information obtained by the Mayo Clinic, osteoporosis is the cause of bones losing bone density; that is, it weakens the bones and causes pain. Especially the part of the arms and the spine. The bones become so brittle that fracture of the shoulder blades is possible.

8. Cancer

There are few cases in which pain in the left or right shoulder blade is caused by the presence of a tumor, as this study carried out by the University of Sinú (Colombia) assures. Because it grows in the upper part of the lungs and the pain is felt in one of the shoulder blades.

Cancer pain is intense and constant, intensifying at night and when you take rest. If so, it is important that you go to the doctor.

Treatment of shoulder blades

Regardless of the pain situation, whether severe or mild, treatments can be used to solve it, such as: medication, physiotherapy or a change in habits. Only in really serious situations is surgery used.


Often, when pain is perceived in the shoulder blades, it is useful to consume anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs, corticosteroids, analgesics, among others. These help provide temporary relief, but do not act on the cause of the problem.

Therefore, it will be the doctor who determines how necessary it is to administer them and in what dose. Most likely, he would suggest its use in combination with physical therapy, massage, and other therapeutic measures.


  • Take care of your diet.
  • Get physical activity. Try yoga.
  • Try physical therapy and back massages.
  • Avoid situations in which stress is the main protagonist.
  • Make brief movements during work to change your posture.

Therefore, it is important that you take the necessary precautions if you suffer from pain in the shoulder blades. Correcting poor posture or improving your diet can be good options. First of all, consult your doctor if you suffer pain or notice any changes in your body.

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