7 Tips To Clean Your Silver Accessories

Silver is a material that can be easily cleaned, yes, if we know how. We will only need homemade products. Here are some tips for cleaning your silver accessories.

It is indisputable that silver cutlery, jewelry and ornaments are very elegant and add a touch of class wherever they are placed.

However, silver is usually affected by stains or a dullness that practically eliminates all its characteristic shine. Under these circumstances, the first thing we usually do is blame whoever sold it to us or question the quality of the material.

However, in most cases it occurs due to natural processes inherent in this material. Contact with the environment or with the sweat of the skin causes the silver to react and lose, little by little, its distinguished original appearance.

What can we do to solve this problem? Here are some tips for cleaning your silver accessories.

How to clean your silver accessories?

As unlikely as it may seem, you can use many items you have at home to clean your cutlery, jewelry and ornaments. If you can’t believe it, just give the following ingredients a try and see how effective they are for yourself.

1. Salt water

This simple solution with totally homemade ingredients will allow you to restore shine to your accessories in a super easy way. To do this, you will only need a tablespoon of salt and a cup of water.

  • Pour the salt into the cup of boiling water and soak the silverware overnight.
  • The next morning, you just have to pour the water and polish the objects with a cloth and the product that you usually use.

2. Alcohol

The alcohol in certain drinks can be extremely effective in cleaning your silver accessories. How to implement it? Just place a little on a cotton ball and wipe it over the objects you need to clean. You will see that in a matter of minutes they will acquire the lost shine.

Silver over time turns black.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Again, we will appeal to one of the ingredients that we can easily find in our kitchen. It is apple cider vinegar that, in addition to helping with cleaning, also offers many other benefits.

  • The procedure consists of placing aluminum foil with water in a pan.
  • To this, add half a cup of vinegar and soak the silver accessories. If they are jewelry, make sure they are in contact with the aluminum foil.
  • Finally, put the pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil. It will take about 15 minutes.
  • Then let it sit for 20 minutes, remove the items, and rinse them with lukewarm water.

Also read: 5 beauty secrets with apple cider vinegar that you should know.

4. Salt and aluminum foil for rusty jewelry

In case your silver accessories – especially jewelry – show signs of oxidation, this trick may help you.

  • Place the item on a layer of coarse salt on a piece of aluminum foil.
  • Then roll it up and soak it in hot water.

As you will see, it is a method quite similar to the previous one. Ten minutes later, remove the jewel from the water and dry it; it should have regained much of its natural shine.

7. Toothpaste to clean silver

As we mentioned before, toothpaste can also help us in this task.

  • First, wash the piece with soap and water to remove any particles that could scratch it.
  • Subsequently, apply the toothpaste and rub vigorously with a dry cloth.
  • As a final step, wash again with soap and water. If necessary, you can repeat this process more than once.

With these simple recommendations you can clean your silver accessories to restore all their beauty. If you’ve ever thought about storing or even throwing them away, you shouldn’t do it anymore: clean them up and show them off with total pride!

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