7 POWERFUL Changes To Your Diet That You Should Make Today

Any change that you carry out in your diet must be healthy and always adjusted to your particular needs. If you are at that moment when you are aware that you should eat better, that you should lose weight or reduce your cholesterol and triglycerides as much as possible, these proposals can help you.

We invite you to do so. Then we suggest that, starting today, you start these powerful changes to start feeling much better. You only need two things: will and perseverance. Because taking care of your health, sometimes, costs very little and you get a lot.

7 powerful changes you can make to your diet

1. Lemon, always present in your diet

In our space we talk to you on numerous occasions about the benefits of starting the day with a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon. Now, instead of limiting ourselves to taking advantage of its benefits at that first moment of the day, it will be very useful to make use of it in many more ways.

  • First of all, when you prepare your salad, drop a squirt of lemon.
  • Also add a little lemon to lean meats like chicken or turkey.
  • Add this citrus when you prepare a tea.

In addition, those lemon drops with which to brighten up our diet will allow us, for example, to absorb iron much better, obtain a good supply of vitamin C. We will also alkalize our body.

2. For breakfast, oatmeal or peanut butter


Second, we all know the great nutritional value of oatmeal and how suitable it is to include it in breakfast. However, have you tried, for example, adding a slice of rye bread with peanut butter to your first meal of the day?

  • Many people avoid consuming this type of butter due to its high caloric content.
  • Now, there is a detail that we forget: the peanut gives us vegetable fat, that is, healthy fat for the heart and especially to have much more energy.
  • The key to getting the most out of peanut butter is to consume it in moderation.
  • If you spread a spoonful on a slice of bread rich in fiber you will gain strength, health for your heart and you will be satiated for much longer.

3. “Green” and cleansing soups for dinner

Healthy nutrition

One of the healthiest, most powerful, and most delicious changes you can make is making cleansing “green” soups for dinner. These are the vegetables with which you can prepare them:

  • Celery.
  • Broccoli.
  • Artichokes
  • Cucumber.
  • Spinach.
  • Zucchini.
  • Brussels sprouts.

All these foods have the same common denominator: they are vegetables that promote the health of your liver. We cannot forget that taking good care of our liver at night will help us to better purify the body, have a more restful sleep and wake up with energy.

4. Yes to seeds in our diet

Seeds are those little big ones forgotten in our diet. However, it is time to start making changes and take advantage of all that they can offer us.

  • To begin with, chia seeds are the ones that can give us the most antioxidants and proteins.
  • Those made from hemp have multiple amino acids.
  • Those made from flax reduce the level of lipids in the blood.
  • The pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins of the B complex

Therefore, start including them in all your dishes, salads and natural smoothies. They will make your diet much more nutritious.

5. The best food combinations


Something that we do not always take into account is that food, when properly combined, can become more nutritious, more digestive and more suitable for treating certain ailments. Therefore, take note of some suggestions that can help you on a day-to-day basis:

  • Avocado and tomato salads.
  • Baked sweet potatoes with a little coconut oil on top, in addition to a delight for the palate, are natural medicine to have a more beautiful skin.
  • If you get hungry in the middle of the day, remember: eat an apple with an ounce of chocolate, it’s a whole flavonoid “bomb”.

In addition, other dishes that you can include in your diet:

  • Papaya with white yogurt, ideal for your intestines.
  • Salmon with garlic.
  • Melon with blueberries.
  • Eggs with some slices of avocado.
  • Chicken breast with wild asparagus.
  • Beet juice with carrot and lemon.

6. White tea

If you are a tea lover, take the step and make a sensational change: start drinking white tea.

  • It has many more antioxidants than green tea and is low in theine, which will not raise our blood pressure.
  • It is delicious, mild, diuretic and purifying, without forgetting that it can be a great ally to lose weight little by little and with health.

7. Rye bread, the richest in fiber

Bread-wheat-buckwheat- in your diet

To take maximum care of your diet, you need to put aside the white flour and refined sugar. A fabulous alternative to white bread is undoubtedly rye bread:

  • First of all, it is satiating and very rich in fiber.
  • In addition, rye bread contains proteins, minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese), vitamins (B1, folic acid, thiamine, niacin) and multiple antioxidants …

To conclude, don’t hesitate any longer and start making changes today. Start feeling better just by changing your diet with these simple and inexpensive proposals.

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