7 Habits That Cause Depression

Lack of exercise, nutrients or contact with nature are, among others, factors that are related to the symptoms of depression

The habits that cause depression are those behaviors that depend on us and that, by the fact of carrying them out, predispose us to a greater extent to certain experiences.

Did you know that food, physical exercise, contact with nature, internal conflicts, social relationships or correct breathing are variables that can be associated with depressive states?

The origin can be due to multiple factors, but if we try to change some of our daily practices, we can also begin to notice an improvement in our mood.

We invite you to know some of these harmful habits that you may be doing every day unconsciously.

7 habits that cause depression

Eating habits that cause depression

Lack of nutrients

Although it may seem strange to us, the truth is that there are links between depression and the state of the nervous system. Specifically, with food we obtain nutrients that are related to good neuropsychological functioning.

Given the available evidence in this regard, it may be relevant to consider that among the habits that cause depression is the consumption of elements such as the following:

  • Magnesium, which we find in nuts, cereals, legumes and dark chocolate.
  • Tryptophan, present in cocoa, eggs, meat, bananas, almonds or whole grains.

Habits that cause depression

Harmful foods

On the other hand, there are foods that can affect our psychological health in the long term, since they do not provide vitamins or minerals, cause addiction or alter the natural balance of the body. Among them are:

  • Red meat eaten in excess.
  • Saturated fats
  • Sugar, sweeteners, and artificial drinks.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

fats cwd1978

Habits that cause depression related to personal variables

Lack of exercise

Exercise is essential for life and, in addition, it helps us generate endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

Many people believe that exercise is necessary only to achieve an adequate weight, but humans have always exercised, before to survive and now more for an aesthetic issue.

After all, the important thing is to do it. When we finish practicing it, we may feel that our mood improves.

Not dealing with internal conflicts

As some therapists indicate, in most depressions it is necessary to look for the origin of the problem, since there may be a conflict.

Therefore, another of the habits that cause depression occurs when we try to ignore our worries and wait for time to hide them. Perhaps the person is doing something they do not want to do, or perhaps they are experiencing a build-up of pent-up anger or sadness.

Breathing incorrectly

Every cell in our body needs oxygen, so if we do not give it, we are subjecting it to a situation of stress.

Learning to breathe correctly influences our general well-being. In this sense, there is research in which depressive symptoms have improved after training in yoga and breathing exercises.

Environment-related habits that cause depression

Forget about nature

One of the factors that can affect our emotional well-being is the lack of contact with nature. There are people who intuitively feel the need to approach these spaces, but in reality it is something that influences health in a generalized way.

In fact, there is evidence that exercising outdoors has important psychological and social benefits.

If we live in a city, at least on weekends it would be interesting to try to find natural surroundings.

Robertson Nature Reserve

Social withdrawal

A person with a tendency to depression tends to isolate himself and avoid contact with other people, both acquaintances and those closest to him.

However, we know that interpersonal relationships represent an inescapable source of positive interactions with which to reinforce our personal growth and psychological well-being.

For this reason, it is important that we do not lose sight of the interest in communicating and continuing to share experiences with our family and friends, even if it initially costs us.

Conclusions on habits that cause depression

Ultimately, there are certain habits that cause depression. And it is that the negative state of mind is, in a certain part, a disorder that the individual creates, although he is not aware of it.

Therefore, the adoption of healthy habits as well as the psychological treatment of possible emotional problems can help us prevent the development of depression symptoms.

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