6 Benefits You Didn’t Know About Grape Juice

Natural sodas like grape juice are an excellent choice over industrial drinks, including those that are labeled light, “zero calories” and “sugar free.” Especially when they are homemade and do not have sugars or other added sweeteners.

Like strawberries, blueberries, pomegranates, and other fruits, grapes are very popular for their antioxidant content. Therefore, many people do not hesitate to consume them when they are in season (autumn-winter) in various ways, the juice being one of the most popular.

Let’s see below what are the benefits that you did not know about grape juice, within the framework of a balanced diet.

Some more information about grapes and benefits of their consumption

According to the 5 a day Association, the grape is a fruit that “contains appreciable amounts of fiber (when consumed with skin), vitamins and minerals, among which potassium stands out (…) There are studies that show that the phytonutrients present in grapes they could have a preventive effect against degenerative diseases ”.

For their part, experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicate that although “no nutrient can be highlighted as a” source “or” high content “, it is possible to highlight a contribution of potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, which contributes to the total of the diet. They also provide other nutrients, but in less quantity than those already mentioned.

In view of all the above, it is possible to say that, mainly, grapes are a source of fiber, phytonutrients and flavonoids.

Grapes with flavonoid content.

1. Provides antioxidants

As we have already mentioned, grape juice is a source of antioxidants, which, as Medline Plus experts indicate, “are natural or man-made substances that can prevent or delay some types of damage to cells. “

2. Could help relieve migraines

According to beliefs, the regular consumption of fresh grape juice could be a good way to prevent the appearance of migraines. This is because it is known that several vitamins are present in the drink that could be responsible for such a benefit.

According to a study carried out at the University of Maryland (United States), vitamin B2 or riboflavin, as well as magnesium and the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) help reduce both severe headaches and migraines. Due to its contribution of B vitamins, of which riboflavin stands out, grape juice could be beneficial as a supplement to relieve headaches, headaches and migraines. 

Be careful, grape juice will not prevent or “cure” pain, but it can contribute to its relief when it is included within a healthy strategy to achieve it.

3. Could improve cognitive processes

Due to its contribution of antioxidants and phytonutrients, grape juice could also help improve cognitive processes (memory, attention, mental alertness, etc.). This would be because these nutrients would help improve or facilitate conduction between nerve cells, which in turn could optimize other processes, both physical and mental.

Although scientific literature has not yet been published confirming that the consumption of grape juice has a direct relationship with the improvement of some cognitive process, this idea has not been ruled out.

4. Helps eliminate retained fluids

Like other natural soft drinks, grape juice is a drink that can help eliminate retained fluids in the body. Especially when combined with adequate water intake and a good exercise routine.

It is interesting to know that according to a study carried out at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom), the consumption of grape juice can be beneficial for people over 50 years of age, especially in the case of women who are already in menopause, who can often suffer from fluid retention.

5. Helps with digestion

Purple grape juice.

While grape juice cannot be singled out as a high source of fiber, it does contain a certain amount of fiber. In addition, it is very easy to digest, so its consumption can help digestion. 

6. Provides energy

Last but not least: Grapefruit is a drink that can provide energy because it contains a certain amount of glucose and fructose. For this reason, many people consume it in the morning, either before going to train or after having finished their exercise session.

Considered a “natural fuel”, many people also take advantage of it to “feed their brain” at times when they need energy to carry out their activities (study, work, etc.).

In view of all that we have discussed, grape juice is a drink that is worth consuming within a balanced diet in order to take advantage of all its benefits.

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