5 Ways The Armpits Warn About Health

The armpits are an area that we take care of for aesthetics and hygiene. Due to their number of sweat glands, they tend to release fluids that can cause unpleasant odors. What we do not know is that the armpits warn about the health of the whole body.

Although it is sometimes overlooked, many of the irregularities that present indicate that something is not quite right in our body. In the following space we share 5 signs that you should not ignore.

1. Bad smell

Underarm odors warn about health

Underarm odor is common to most people, and we’ve all experienced it at one time or another. The accumulation of sweat on the surface of the skin creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth.  Bacteria cause that strong, sour smell.

This disappears easily when you take a shower and, of course, when using deodorant and antiperspirant products every day. However, when it is too strong and persistent, it is likely that it is warning a thyroid problem or hormonal changes, as this study carried out by the La Paz University Hospital (Madrid) ensures.

If the smell is similar to rotten fruit or nail polish, it may be related to  ketoacidosis. This problem causes the body to reduce its ability to process sugars. Unpleasant odors in the armpits warn about health, as they  can be a sign of diabetes or prediabetes.

2. Itching sensation

An itchy sensation in the armpits can be common when body hair begins to reappear after shaving. However, in general, itchy armpits warn about the health of the skin.

This is  a sign of irritated skin. It can be due to the aggression of razors or the chemicals that some creams and deodorants contain.

Persistent itching, accompanied by red spots and dead cells, indicates the growth of a fungus in this area of ​​the skin In the latter case, it is essential to consult a doctor, since it is necessary to use an antifungal treatment.

3. Armpit pains warn about health

Armpit pains warn about health

Experiencing pain in the armpits can be the reaction of the muscles to a physical overexertion on the arms. It is common in those who lift heavy objects or exercise with weights during their training routines.

This type of pain is sporadic and usually goes away with a little rest. However, if it becomes a persistent and more sensitive problem, it is best to consult your doctor. In small cases, pain is a sign of swollen lymph nodes or lesions in the area.

To avoid the latter, do not forget to perform your stretching correctly when you do sports, according to this study carried out by the University of Castilla La-Mancha.

4. Rashes

The hot and humid environment in this area of ​​the body increases the risk of minor infections.

Thus, over days, it can cause a rash combined with itching, redness and small rashes. Likewise, these reactions can also be the result of an allergy (according to this study carried out by the University of Chile), excess heat and scratches.

5. Lumps and inflammation

Lumps in the armpits warn about health

Small swellings in the armpits, similar to acne pimples, appear when the follicles become clogged, preventing the hairs from coming out.

These can be quite painful and, if  not treated properly, could become a potential cause of infections. Instead of removing them with tweezers, it is recommended to exfoliate the skin until the hair can come out.

On the other hand, the formation of lumps of a noticeable size in the armpits warns about lymphatic health. These easily palpable lumps are  a sign of swollen lymph nodes. 

This symptom indicates that the body is trying to fight a disease or infection, according to information obtained from the Mayo Clinic.

That they do not disappear could alert you to a more serious problem. The fact that it remains for several days or weeks is an indication of infections or even a possible malignant tumor, according to this study carried out by the University of Chile.

Keeping it under observation and consulting the doctor is decisive. So we can know why it appeared and how serious the warning condition may be.

How much attention do you pay to the signals that your armpits send you? Now that you know that they can alert health problems, try to consult a specialist in the event of any irregularity.

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