5 Toxic Cosmetics That Can Damage Your Skin

In our day to day we use different cosmetic products for cleaning, makeup or disinfection. However, some of them may contain substances that are being studied for possible negative health effects.

Have you noticed the ingredients of the products that you use daily on your body? It is important that you know some of the toxins in cosmetics that could damage your skin and even harm your health in general.

Parabens, sulfates, lead, triclosan or phthalates are some of the most common. We explain why they are harmful so you can avoid them. It is not worth taking risks if we can choose other healthier products.

5 toxins from cosmetics that can damage your skin

1. Parabens

Cosmetic products

Parabens are the preservatives that are added to most cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial products. Studies have been carried out for years to verify the damaging effects on the skin and its possible implication in breast cancer, due to its estrogenic properties.

However, there is still a lack of evidence to regulate its use. In fact, some studies specify that the risk would be significant if exposure to these chemicals were daily. However, the increasingly common presence of parabens in a wide range of products, including food, favors this constant contact.

2. Sulfates

Among the different sulfates, we highlight sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a common surfactant that acts as a cleaning agent. However, this compound penetrates the skin and causes skin dryness and irritation depending on the concentration.

However, regarding the criticisms of its relationship with cancer, no scientific evidence has been found. But it is also true that long-term studies on the effects of its continued application on the skin are lacking.

  • There are some milder sulfates that are being applied as less harmful substitutes, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS) or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES).

    3. Toxic metals in cosmetics: Lead

    Woman painting her lips red

    The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an analysis to determine the levels of lead in lipstick and other cosmetics. Among them, well-known brands stood out.

    From this analysis, a maximum amount of lead in these products was determined and measures were taken to eliminate those products that could be unsafe for health. It concluded that up to 10 ppm of lead in these products would not pose a significant risk. 

    However, it should be noted that the analysis takes into account the external application of these cosmetics. However, in the case of lipstick , the part that the person accidentally ingests is not considered.

    4. Triclosan

    Triclosan (TCS) is a common antimicrobial ingredient in deodorants and cleaning products such as disinfectants. To a lesser extent, it can also be in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

    This compound is easily absorbed into the skin and mucosa. In fact, it has been detected in urine and even breast milk, and its continued exposure is associated with allergies, asthma, cardiovascular disorders, endocrine and reproductive problems, and the development of some types of cancer. 

    5. Phthalates

    Woman taking cream

    Phthalates are multi-functional chemicals used in a wide variety of consumer products, including cosmetic and personal care products, as well as baby products. In addition, they are part of many plastic packaging. Therefore, we have direct and frequent contact with them. 

    Phthalates are associated with serious health problems, such as infertility, obesity, asthma, allergies, or breast cancer. Although some studies show non-significant alterations, they do not take into account how these would evolve in the long term, as they themselves affirm.

    Summary on Toxicants in Cosmetics

    As we have seen, it is difficult to find consensus among these studies, since some show the safety of these components while others warn of risks to health. In any case, we are increasingly exposed to these types of substances, something that only future research will be able to assess.

    For this reason, we recommend avoiding these toxins in cosmetics whenever possible. Many are not essential and can be substituted with other natural components.

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