5 Risks Of Emotional Dependence In The Partner

Have you ever experienced an excessive emotional dependence ? Has someone been very dependent on you and barely allowed you to have personal space? It is something very common that is worth considering. For our emotional health and our balance.

The risks of emotional dependence

Love a person requires r eciprocidad, concern and commitment. It may seem inevitable to be dependent on that person with whom we are in love, it is understandable and logical. When someone is part of our life in such an intimate and special way, it is usual that we worry about everything they do, what they express and what they think.

But it is necessary to maintain a balance for the sake of our emotional health and our integrity. There are those who give everything for the other person to the point of being empty, of becoming a kind of small satellite that goes around and around a planet without direction. And without being recognized.

To avoid this situation, we give you 5 clues as to why we should take into account the principles of emotional dependence.

1. Put the other person’s wishes before your own needs

It is very common to establish almost without realizing the classic toxic relationships in which the desires and whims of the other person take precedence over your own. And the problem is that we do it freely and with love, because it is what we feel, and in a way, we only seek the happiness of those we love.

But a day comes when frustration appears, because we realize that we are not being taken into account. That we are not recognized in any sense, and what has been happening so far is that they have taken advantage of our emotions by manipulating us like puppets.

2. Happiness depends only on that person we love

Our partner becomes our day and our night. It is the center of that universe in which, we are almost in the background. Our spouse becomes more important than our family, our job, or our aspirations. We put aside our self-esteem to focus everything on that person.

Is this adequate? Absolutely. Can we understand it? Of course. Therein lies the risk of emotional dependency. Forgetting ourselves to focus on the other person. There will come a day when we realize that we have overdone ourselves, that we feel empty and with damaged self-esteem.

3. We find it hard to say no

Saying is not denying. And denying is something that we do not conceive when we are very much in love. How are we going to deny something to the person we love? We fear to upset or upset her. For this reason, there are many people who put aside the needed assertiveness,  without defending and expressing what they feel, believe or need.

4. If you do not love me, I am nothing

There are people who, without a partner, see themselves as the most miserable people in the world. They are people who cannot conceive of living without a partner. They need to be loved to feel good, to value themselves.

5. The risk of becoming controllers

Emotional dependency is an obsession. And obsession demands control, fuels mistrust and jealousy. The couple dynamics then becomes a very unhealthy without living, with periods of great stress and emotional suffering. Emotional dependence can directly affect our own health, freedom and self-esteem.

We must love with intensity, there is no doubt. But always with balance and maturity, remembering that you are also important.

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