5 Household Objects That Accumulate Millions Of Bacteria

As much as we dedicate ourselves to cleaning the home, we live in contact with many germs every day. In addition, the more people live in a house, the greater the probability that these organisms that are harmful to our health will reproduce. Next, we will tell you which are the five household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria.

Without falling into despair or obsession, we must know that our home is permanently inhabited by a large number of bacteria that, preferably, we must fight. Although they are not a constant threat, they can potentially cause us some harm.

5 household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria

After taking a look at the following list, you will know which household items to pay the most attention to when cleaning and disinfecting:

1. Toilet

Logically, we had to start with the central element in the popular imagination when it comes to accumulating bacteria. However, various publications have ensured that the toilet is not as dirty as other objects that we touch on a daily basis, such as a restaurant menu.

Due to its function, the toilet is in permanent contact with many organisms considered harmful to our health. Therefore, it is advisable to clean it once a week and lower the lid when flushing. This prevents the spread of particles throughout the room.

2. Sponge

Although they often go unnoticed, sponges are one of the most contaminated items in a home. It makes sense if we think about it from this perspective: they combine food scraps with moisture. That is, the ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.

The main recommendation is to change it every seven days, even if it sounds excessive. Another option is to wash it with a mixture of bleach and water — a ratio of 10% and 90%, respectively. After your second rinse, it is best to recycle the sponge to use when cleaning the bathroom or laundry room.

In addition, the fact of cohabiting the kitchen with scouring pads, generally wet, multiplies its polluting effect for this space in the house. It is almost an obligation that we drain them after each use.

3. Sheets

It is important to clean the bed every week

Have you ever imagined that the place where you sleep every night is actually full of bacteria? The suggestion to change them every week – repeated so many times by our mothers – makes perfect sense.

The argument is that the sheets store remains of skin, creams and even dirt that we ourselves transport to the bed every night.

In addition, when you get up, it is recommended that you ventilate them a little before making the bed to prevent these microorganisms from being trapped and expanding.

4. Sinks and sinks

It may sound ridiculous that two elements that are subjected to the constant passage of water on their surface, are included among the household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria. But in reality, it is so.

The sinks are in permanent contact with food debris. Thus, combined with the humidity that predominates in them, microbes find the ideal place to settle. This can be avoided, of course, with proper cleaning and disinfection after each use. In addition, it is vitally important to prevent the accumulation of germs, especially from one day to the next.

On the other hand, bathroom sinks and taps, and even bathtubs, are a perfect setting for mold and mildew to appear. Again, the organic remains and humidity are the protagonists.

In addition, these sinks often have difficult-to-clean corners that favor the generation of mold.

5. Toothbrushes

Although it is the element that you use several times a day to clean your teeth, the truth is that brushes usually contain many microorganisms.

Among these, staphylococci, coliform bacteria, pseudomonas, and intestinal bacteria stand out. Organisms that can give you a hard time if you don’t control them in time.

Likewise, the glass in which these elements are usually placed is also one of the household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria. It is advisable to rinse it daily and avoid the accumulation of water and moisture in it.


Other household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria

To this list, we could also add the following things that we manipulate every day:

  • Mobile phones.
  • The remote for the television and the remote for the console.
  • The doors and the steering wheel of the car, and also other of its parts.
  • The floor of the house.
  • Countertops.
  • Bags and backpacks.
  • Food cutting boards.
  • Towels.
  • Computer keyboards and mice.
  • Door handles.

As you can see, we are in daily contact with many household objects that accumulate millions of bacteria. In any case, do not be overly alarmed: our body has defenses to resist them. This does not mean, of course, that you should take precautions to make your environments healthy and hygienic.

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