5 Distractions That Will Help You Overcome Cravings

Believe it or not, when we brush our teeth, our brain receives the signal that we have finished eating, which will help us overcome cravings.

You know you shouldn’t eat that piece of chocolate. However, something takes hold of you and you can’t help it. Afterwards, you feel bad and regret it. Do not worry. Today you will discover 5 distractions that will help you overcome cravings.

Let’s go there!

1. If you have a craving, go for a walk

Woman with craving

One of the distractions that will help you beat cravings is going for a walk. Sometimes we spend too much time indoors and tend to go to the fridge to snack. Don’t let that happen.

This can be a great opportunity to play sports, relax, and get rid of the idea that you are starving. Cravings are not hunger, they are just impulsive cravings for something sweet, salty or greasy, or something that we are reducing due to dieting.

We have to know that  when we are on a diet, suddenly, many cravings arise.

This may be due to our addiction to sweets, to the fact that we eat less or that what we cannot eat is more palatable than ever because of the prohibition. Going for a walk will help us control this.

2. Write what you feel

This is a fun way to distract yourself from your craving and is to write down how you are feeling. Are you really hungry? Do you want to eat that sweet just because you have it forbidden? Why do you want to eat that for real?

  • Making a list of the reasons and what moves you to give in to that craving will be taking you away from it.
  • Finally, you can add the reasons why you would not want to give in to that craving and why you want to eat healthier.
  • When you finish, you will have a clearer mind and your willpower will be much greater.

In addition, this way you will avoid feeling guilty.

3. Have a glass of water to beat cravings

Woman drinking water

One of the distractions that will help you beat cravings is drinking water.

It is often said that if we have a craving it is because we are dehydrated. However, the truth is that drinking water makes our stomach fill up and the feeling of hunger is reduced.

However, we have to ask ourselves if with water this can be solved or is there something else behind it. What if our craving arises because we have a vitamin deficiency? In this case, you need to take action.

A multivitamin will help us keep those cravings that arise from this deficit at bay. However, let’s not take vitamins to prevent.

It is better to get tested and consult a doctor to be sure if this is what causes our cravings.

4. Brush your teeth

If you want to get rid of the cravings for cravings, a good way is to brush your teeth. Isn’t it true that when you brush your teeth you don’t want to eat anything? Also, if you eat food right after, it tastes weird!

So if you want to avoid giving in to that craving, don’t hesitate: go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You will discover how you no longer want to stain them by eating nothing and more knowing that what you will eat will not taste like it should.

5. Chew sugarless gum

Woman eating chewing gum

One of the distractions that will help you overcome cravings and that, perhaps, you have already tried or have been advised to do is chewing sugar-free gum.

In this way, you have something in your mouth, you cheat your stomach and have something sweet, but without sugar.

Many people use gum to control addictions like smoking or to feel less hungry if they don’t have anything to snack on at the moment. Therefore, if none of the above works for you, you can use the classic chewing gum, but without sugar!

Overcoming cravings doesn’t have to be complicated. We simply have to find the key that works for us in order to stop them.

Therefore, it is important that, if you can, you try each and every one of these possible distractions until you find the one that gives you the results you are looking for.

It is natural to have cravings. However, it can be a hassle to give in to them if we have to eat healthy foods due to our cholesterol or if we are immersed in a diet that will improve our health. Which of these distractions have you tried already?

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