4 Healthy Ways To Cook Eggs

The way you cook eggs will have a great influence on their properties. We present you some keys in this regard to maximize the use of its nutrients.

“There is no better way to start the day,” announced a 1950s commercial referring to eggs, which for centuries have been part of the human diet. Two decades later, they fell out of favor when some studies suggested that their cholesterol content could be harmful.

Today, the importance of eggs in any healthy diet has been scientifically proven. Therefore, we propose 4 healthy ways to cook eggs.

The egg and its properties

The egg has been consumed since ancient times as a source of protein and essential nutrients. In general, we prefer chicken ones, although duck and even quail ones are highly appreciated.

The egg is made up of three elements: the shell, the white and the yolk. The peel, whether brown or white, is a great source of calcium for animals, but it must be subjected to complex processes to be consumed by humans, so it is better to opt for other ways of providing calcium to the body.

The egg white is made up almost 90% of water. Surely you already know that it is widely used in baking, but what you cannot imagine is that, despite its unimportant appearance, it has a high protein and mineral content.

For its part, the yellow and round yolk is responsible for providing most of the cholesterol, fat, thiamine, vitamin A and iron that this food contains.

Something very important to consider is the way in which you cook the eggs as it will have a great influence on the properties of the eggs. Consuming a medium egg gives you 75 kilocalories, 7 grams of protein and 2.3 grams of “good” fat, plus folate, choline, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins D and B12, biotin and riboflavin.

And what about cholesterol?

For a long time it was believed that egg consumption was associated with the development of coronary heart disease, due to its high cholesterol content.

However, it has been proven that the famous increase in cholesterol caused by eggs was not really such, and that in fact, this food could even improve heart health. So, if you want to be a healthy person, let us explain some of the benefits of eggs.

Benefits of eating eggs

Remember that even though the following benefits have been proven, eggs are not a miracle food. To take advantage of its virtues, you must include it in a balanced diet and accompanied by healthy lifestyle habits.

  • Growth: for children, adolescents and young adults, the egg provides the most complete mixture of proteins, which is very important to grow and develop muscles.
  • For the eyes: in the case of older adults, the consumption of eggs has proven to be effective in preventing macular degeneration of the retina. The antioxidants present in the white are essential for the functioning of the eye.
  • Prevent Alzheimer’s: according to specialists, the consumption of eggs has a positive influence on the prevention of certain diseases, and even memory loss due to age. Vitamin B12, in particular, protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Against depression: according to a study published in the Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience , folate could have a neural action that seems to lower the risk of depression. Guess you have to eat to get it?
  • They could help you lose weight: eating eggs, especially at breakfast, provides a feeling of fullness, which is important to overcome the need to eat all the time.
  • A balanced diet: a food with so many nutrients is essential for the diet. As we mentioned previously, the adequate consumption of eggs according to the requirements of each person has been related to good cardiovascular health. Fill up on protein and vitamins by eating healthy.

4 healthy ways to cook eggs


The egg is characterized by being very versatile in the kitchen because, in addition to being eaten scrambled, fried, cooked or in tortillas, it is also used as a complement to many other recipes.

However, today we will opt for simplicity: here are some ideas to cook it in a healthy way. Enjoy your meal!


Nothing like boiled egg to provide a minimum of calories and a maximum of protein. You only need to place the whole eggs in a saucepan with water and let them boil for about 10 minutes.

Remove the peel, being careful not to burn yourself, and serve with whole wheat bread. You can also prepare a delicious egg salad.


Recipes with eggs

Scrambled eggs are one of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare this food, and they also provide very few calories. Instead of using butter or oil, you can opt for a little water or milk.

Add the eggs to the hot pan, then add a little water or skim milk. Stir until dry. If you want, you can accompany them with mushrooms or vegetables such as onions, spinach or tomatoes.


Unlike boiled eggs, poached eggs are cooked in water or broth but removed from the shell. Heat a casserole with water and gently drop the eggs into it.

You can add a splash of vinegar or lemon juice to the water to help it clot. When cooked, remove them from the water and serve with toasted bread or cooked vegetables. Healthy and delicious!



Grilled eggs are a healthy and different option. You can place pieces of vegetables such as tomatoes and onions around. Heat the griddle and cook the egg until the yolk is well cooked to avoid salmonella infections. Serve with the vegetables. Avoid using creamy sauces, cheese, or other sources of fat to accompany them.

Remember that subjecting lipids to high temperatures is harmful, as they are transformed into trans fatty acids. These are capable of negatively impacting health, according to research published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome.

Eggs, healthy food

As you can see, eggs are foods full of beneficial properties for the body. That is why they should be part of the usual diet, although it is important to avoid frying them so as not to damage their fatty acids. Consume them frequently without worrying about the impact they may have on your lipid profile.

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