4 Factors To Consider For A Workout On The Beach

Physical training is a revitalizing activity, and much more if it is carried out on the beach. However, it is good to consider some factors so that training produces the expected results.

Physical training is an activity of great contributions to the body; its practice contributes to the physical, social and psychological state of the individual. There are many ways to do it, as well as various scenarios. One of them may be the beach.

Training is usually done on surfaces such as dirt or concrete, either indoors – like gyms – or outdoors – on courts or parks. However, those in coastal cities often take advantage of the beach space for physical activity.

Physical training and the beach

Many are the people immersed in the world of exercise and physical training. A large number strictly respect this habit, no matter where they are. In addition, there are also those who take advantage of the characteristics of each space to train according to their objectives. And it is that not only individuals living in coastal cities use the beach, but also athletes.

The beach is an excellent area to carry out training routines, especially those focused on strength and endurance. However, there are factors that can influence physical performance, either for the benefit or the detriment, such as:

  • The surface : in this case, the sand becomes an important obstacle, since when training on the beach the body feels heavier and, therefore, it is more complex to carry out any physical effort.
  • Clean air : a real advantage of training on the beach is the possibility of breathing cleaner and cleaner air. In addition, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore can produce relaxation and increase motivation.
  • So l : can play a positive or negative role. Therefore, it is a factor that must be taken into account yes or yes. To take advantage of it, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products recommends applying sufficient sun protection to the skin. Likewise, it is essential to choose the morning hours or the sunset to train and thus avoid the moments of greater solar radiation.

    Factors to consider in a beach workout

    workout on the beach

    Although the 3 factors mentioned must be taken into account, there are other types of aspects directly involved in training. These must be known to achieve good results.

    The beach can present itself as a hostile place, especially if you are not used to it. For this reason, it is an environment that must be handled calmly. Next, we will explain the factors that you should take into account if you are going to do a workout on the beach.

    1. Assess the terrain

    Undoubtedly, the surface is one of the most striking factors of a beach workout, especially when it comes to a person who is little or not used to it. The transition from terrain such as asphalt or dirt to sand can be abrupt, so an assessment must be made and step by step.

    On the other hand, it is necessary to pay close attention to shock or instability in the lower joints; that is, that of the ankles or knees.

    In this regard, a study published by the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport states that running on the beach involves a lesser impact on the joints, but at the same time generates a higher energy expenditure.

    On the other hand, research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research affirms that training in the sand allows you to improve your aerobic capacity with a lower risk of muscle damage.

    Beyond this evidence, if you have suffered an injury in one of these regions of the body, it is preferable to consult with a physical activity expert before starting any routine.

    2. Maintain good hydration

    Start in wet sand

    The beach is a space free of trees or buildings that obstruct the sun’s rays; If we add to this a day of high temperatures, any athlete who trains there is exposed to dehydration.

    For this reason, it is important to drink fluids — preferably water — before, during, and after workouts. In addition to preventing a drop in sports performance, water intake is essential for the proper functioning of the body in general, as explained by research published in the journal Nutrition Hospital .

    3. Beware of humidity

    When you train on the beach, the sea level plays a key role. Beyond heat, humidity has a great impact on the physiology of the body . This factor tends to increase in coastal cities located above sea level.

    In these cases, the body has difficulties regulating body temperature through sweat. Bearing this in mind, prior acclimatization is  recommended to avoid discomfort or even possible fainting due to heat, dizziness, dehydration and injuries.

    4. Choose the right clothing

    Finally, we can ignore the importance of choosing clothes, which must be fresh and loose. For training on the beach, it is best to opt for very light footwear.

    Being barefoot makes training easier, as long as your feet adapt to the surface gradually. We must also hydrate the feet well after exercise with a moisturizer.

    Plan a routine to train on the beach

    Before concluding, it is worth noting the importance of having the guidance and supervision of a physical activity professional. With their help, you can create a routine specifically tailored to your needs and goals, leading to better results.

    With all of the above, you already have the keys to your training on the beach. Enjoy exercising outdoors and improve your health day by day!

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