3 Breakfasts That Strengthen Your Natural Defenses

There are times when we have the lowest defenses. Winter, stress, or having been through illness or surgery can weaken the immune system. Fortunately, there are certain foods that, due to their properties, can help improve the immune response.

Although we must complement them with other good habits, their consumption provides nutrients that help the body respond to infectious agents such as those that cause flu and colds. Do you want to know some options for your breakfast?

1. Healthy breakfast with oatmeal and egg for defenses

Breakfast with oatmeal and grapes

  • Natural juice of half a lemon with a tablespoon of honey.
  • Medium bowl of oatmeal, with grapes and walnuts to taste.
  • A scrambled egg with garlic.

    Because it’s healthy?

    If you are a lover of healthy food, you are going to love this breakfast. Besides being healthy and easy to prepare, it can help you improve your defenses.

    Lemon and honey for defenses

    To begin with, lemon, like other citrus fruits, is a food with antioxidants because it contains vitamin C, which contributes to a better function of the immune system.

    According to a study published in the  Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry , this vitamin can help improve the immune system. In addition, it has shown positive effects in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

    • Diabetes.
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Common cold.
    • Waterfalls.
    • Glaucoma.
    • Macular degeneration
    • Stroke
    • Heart diseases.

    For its part, honey, according to a publication in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics,  is one of the natural products valued for its nutritional contribution and is used not only as food but also in traditional medicine and as a complementary treatment for clinical conditions.

    This post suggests that honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, and it can help ease a cough.

    And what about oatmeal?

    This food has a balanced nutritional composition and has become one of the main foods when it comes to healthy eating.

    According to a study in the Journal of Food Science and Technology , it is a good source of carbohydrates, quality proteins, minerals and vitamins, which makes it an interesting option when it comes to giving an extra load of nutrients to the body to increase defenses .

    If we add an omelette with a little garlic to all of the above, we will have a healthy and delicious dish.


    In addition to being a suitable food for breakfast, a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests that eggs contain other biologically active compounds that may play an important role in the treatment and prevention of chronic and infectious diseases.

    2. Breakfast with yogurt, fruit and grapefruit juice

    Plain yogurt

    • Eucalyptus and honey infusion.
    • A bowl of Greek yogurt with oatmeal, strawberries, and walnuts.
    • Grapefruit or grapefruit juice.

    Because it’s healthy?

    Antioxidant eucalyptus

    How about starting the day with a good eucalyptus infusion? Its leaves have properties that could be effective in improving the annoying symptoms of flu and colds.

    According to a publication in Drug Discovery from Mother Nature , eucalyptol, an oxide found in eucalyptus, is a compound that has shown activity for treating conditions.

    Eucalyptus appears to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on various respiratory diseases, pancreatitis, colon damage, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. However, more evidence is needed to prove it.

    Combined with honey, this plant can help improve defenses and is a good option for cold mornings when we are forced to leave the house.

    Greek yogurt

    For its part, the Greek type is the yogurt that contains the least lactose and is very popular for its low sugar content.

    Due to its nutritional quality, its consumption is associated with benefits in the cardiovascular system and a lower body mass index, according to the International Journal of Obesity in its study . If you add oatmeal, nuts and strawberries, you will have a delicious and very healthy mixture.

    Grapefruit juice

    To complete this delicious breakfast, grapefruit juice can help boost our defenses since, according to a publication in the Metabolism Journal , the consumption of this fruit is associated with a higher intake of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber.

    3. Energy breakfast with vegetable juice and egg

    Beets and carrots

    • Carrot, green apple and beet juice.
    • Scrambled egg with spinach.

    Why is it healthy for the defenses?

    Carrot, apple and beet

    To begin with, this juice provides nutrients thanks to the mixture of these three ingredients. According to a Nutrients Journal publication , beets are a food that has potential as a therapeutic treatment for various pathological disorders.

    The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vascular protective effects offered by this vegetable, and its components, have been widely studied in humans and animals.

    On the other hand, the apple and the carrot provide dietary fiber and more antioxidants, which makes this mixture a good option when it comes to strengthening the defenses.

    Eggs and spinach for energy

    To start the day, this combination includes the energy provided by the egg, added to the diverse nutritional composition of spinach, which, as detailed in a study published in the Royal Society of Chemistry , includes vitamins and minerals, and other components that promote the good health.

    What else can we do to strengthen defenses?

    Eating certain foods can help strengthen your immune system and prevent bothersome cold and flu symptoms.

    However, keep in mind that variety is the key to proper nutrition. You also need to pay attention to serving sizes and recommended daily intake so you don’t get too much of one vitamin and too little of others.

    Remember that the nutritional needs of each one can vary according to age, health, weight, and so on. In this sense, it is best to consult the nutritionist to guide us in this regard and make better decisions.

    In addition to the above, to keep the defenses strong, it is necessary:

    • Sleep well and rest.
    • Wash your hands very well and have good hygiene to prevent infections.
    • Get regular exercise.

    As we can see, we can use delicious and nutritious ingredients to enjoy healthier breakfasts. However, we must take into account our nutritional needs and other good habits.

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