10 Rare Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Although we can attribute them to other conditions, if we present these symptoms it is advisable to go to the specialist to verify if we suffer from acid reflux and obtain adequate treatment to alleviate it

Acid or gastroesophageal reflux occurs when stomach contents, such as food, juices, and gastric acids move up the esophagus into the mouth .

Although it does not always have to reach the mouth, if it usually travels the approximately 40 centimeters of the esophagus and, can produce  a burning, burning, or heartburn sensation.

Acid reflux tends to occur when we lean or lie down the body after eating a large or fatty meal.

  • The time when it occurs most easily is at night, when we go to sleep.

If you usually have this problem, we recommend you sleep with a certain inclination in the headboard area, but not horizontally.

The sensation of heartburn is the most frequent sign of all, however there are other rare symptoms of acid reflux that we mention here.

1. Increased salivation

One of the first rare symptoms of acid reflux that you will experience is excess salivation. This can occur during the meal. Gulp

The action of gastric acids as they rise through the esophagus can leave a bitter taste at the back of the throat .

  • This flavor will stay for several hours. E l main problem is that affect food tasting .
  • There are those who associate this problem with poor oral hygiene or liver problems.
  • Before you are left with this question, check if you are presenting other of the rare symptoms of acid reflux.

5. Snoring and breathing problems when sleeping

Are you having breathing problems? Do they increase during the night or do they get worse during these hours? According to this study by the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital (Madrid), this may be due to acid reflux that, when rising from the stomach, causes a “whistle”.

  • The same way, Acids can enter the respiratory tract and cause irritation and infection.  
  • Coughing and choking episodes may occur at night .

6. Problems digesting food

When the reflux is quiet and we haven’t dealt with it for a long time, gastric acids in the esophagus leave scars and burns .

This will affect the passage of food, as you will begin to have annoying sensations when eating.

  • The most common is to feel “scratches” when eating the food.
  • The foods that give more problems are acidic or spicy.

To prevent this from becoming a problem that prevents you from wearing a diet varied, try to treat acid reflux as soon as possible.

7. Gastric acidity

What is and what causes heartburn

Another rare symptom of acid reflux occurs when gastric acids move up the esophagus. The feeling it can vary from person to person and can be difficult to identify at first.

  • Depending on the intensity, you can feel anything from mild discomfort to severe chest pain.

8. Regurgitation

This is the sensation that appears when the acid is rising and in some cases can lead to vomiting.

  • If they are frequent, they can erode the enamel of the teeth and generate some type of dental problem .

9. Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is indigestion accompanied by a discomfort in the upper part of the stomach .

In some cases it is painful and is almost always present as a symptom of reflux.  Some people may feel:

  • Swelling.
  • Feeling of being too full.
  • Pain stomach.
  • Belching

If you have these symptoms, it is advisable to see a doctor to avoid complications such as ulcers or cancer.

10. Dry cough

The last of the rare symptoms that acid reflux  usually causes, is a sensation of lump in the throat .

  • This sensation is very annoying, since you will have the need to cough or clear your throat frequently.

Be on the lookout for rare acid reflux symptoms

What-does-it-mean-to-have-gastroesophageal-reflux acid reflux

Have you identified one or more of these symptoms in yourself or someone close to you?

In that case,  It is recommended that you seek the help of a specialist, so  that with the appropriate tests, you rule out the presence of acid reflux.

With a diagnosis in time the treatment is easier. It is usually enough to change some habits or adjust the diet with the elimination or incorporation of some food .

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