10 Infallible Tips To Avoid Bags And Dark Circles

To avoid bags and dark circles around the eyes, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Although the application of cosmetic products helps to reduce this problem, other measures are required so that it does not reappear constantly.

These blemishes are the result of fluid retention, hormonal changes, and unhealthy habits. In the same way, they appear due to the little attention that this area of ​​the face usually receives within the regular beauty routine.

Although they do not usually alert anything serious, many look for methods to eliminate them because they make their face look tired, sick and older. Luckily, there are simple tips that allow you to correct them to give your face a better appearance.

Why do puffiness and dark circles occur?

avoid bags and dark circles

Before addressing the tips to avoid bags and dark circles, it is worth reviewing its main triggers. Since some have to do with lifestyle, it would be good to consider ways to avoid them so that they stop influencing these alterations.

  • Spots from excess melanin or sun exposure (hyperpigmentation)
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Consumption of medications such as cortisone and vasodilators
  • Sleeping little or having sleep interruptions
  • Rubbing the eyes roughly
  • Fluid retention or edema
  • Thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism
  • Nutrient deficit
  • Premature aging

Tips to avoid bags and dark circles

To respond to the need to avoid puffiness and dark circles, the cosmetic industry has developed a wide variety of creams that focus on the delicate skin that covers them. On the other hand, professional treatments such as laser or pulsed light have also been designed.

However, as an option, there are several recommendations that allow you to control them naturally, without spending too much. In fact, the ideal is to apply them as a complement to any type of treatment. Put them into practice!

1. Sleep well

Having a good quality of sleep is essential for the skin to remain in good condition. So, if the goal is to avoid puffiness and dark circles, the hours of sleep must be respected. This is confirmed by this study carried out by the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).


  • Try to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruptions. If you have trouble sleeping well, drink a relaxing tea and make sure your resting place is comfortable.

2. Always remove makeup

A fundamental step to show off a fresh and young face is to remove your makeup every night before going to sleep. Although cosmetic products help to beautify during the day, the residues that accumulate on the skin can cause dark circles and blemishes at night.


  • Take some almond essential oil and apply it to your skin to facilitate makeup removal. If you prefer, use a cleansing cream or milk.

3. Limit your salt intake

Maintaining a diet rich in sodium is one of the obstacles to avoiding bags and dark circles around the eyes. This is due to the fact that they affect fluid retention, a factor that increases inflammation and circulation difficulties, as stated in this study by the Diego Portales University (Chile).


  • Substitute the salt in your meals with herbs and spices such as oregano, thyme, bay leaf, and turmeric. Also, check the labels of your products and avoid those with too much sodium.

4. Eat green vegetables

Green vegetables are very beneficial foods for skin health. In this particular case, they help to optimize the oxygenation process to avoid inflammation around the eyes. Incidentally, its antioxidants prevent premature aging, as suggested by this study carried out by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México.


  • Include more green vegetables in your diet by preparing salads or smoothies. Try to consume them raw to obtain 100% of their nutrients.

5. Increase your water intake

Dehydration can lead to the development of various facial skin changes. In addition to causing dryness, it increases the weakening of the tissues and produces imperfections such as dark circles, bags and “crow’s feet”.


  • Consume between 7 and 8 glasses of water throughout the day. If you prefer, prepare herbal and fruit infusions or natural juices.

6. Eat citrus fruits

Citrus fruits and other sources of vitamin C help increase collagen production, according to this study conducted by the University of Oslo. This substance not only prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles, but also maintains the firmness of the delicate skin around the eyes.


  • Feel free to consume more oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and any other citrus fruit in your regular diet. If you wish, take them in juice or added in smoothies.

    7. Use sunscreen

    The impact of UV rays from the sun is a major cause of hyperpigmentation in the eye area. It also weakens the tissues and affects the appearance of premature wrinkles.


    • Use creams with sunscreen, or traditional sunscreen. To supplement your protection, wear sunglasses every day.

    8. Apply a massage

    Briefly massaging your fingertips can promote lymphatic drainage to lessen these blemishes. The ideal is to complement it with an essential oil or cream, since this allows a better stimulation of circulation.


    • Apply several drops of coconut or almond oil to the eye area and rub in gentle circular motions using your fingers. Do it every night before bed.

      9. Use cucumber slices

      The classic remedy to avoid bags and dark circles continues to be cucumber. According to this study by Dr. Howard Murad, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties, this vegetable corrects these alterations and leaves a renewed appearance. It also acts as a soothing agent and reduces possible irritations in the area.


      • Cut several slices of cucumber and put them in the freezer. Then, when they are very cold, apply them on the closed eyes for 5 minutes.

      10. Do physical exercise

      It is not that physical exercise as such eliminates dark circles; however, its regular practice promotes good circulation and helps reduce inflammation. These effects improve skin oxygenation and keep the face looking healthy.


      • Get physical exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. If you can’t get to the gym, get into a routine at home or find alternative activities like dancing or cycling.

        Do you notice that your face looks tired from the constant appearance of bags and dark circles? Say goodbye to these blemishes with these tips. Although they do not disappear miraculously, little by little their symptoms are minimizing.

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